How to review your marketing activities

By |2021-01-27T18:43:26+00:00December 10th, 2018|Categories: Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips|

Reviewing your marketing activities Before you start to plan your marketing activities for the coming year it’s really helpful to understand what worked and what didn’t during the previous year. This will allow you to make some important decisions, such as: Stop wasting time and money on activities that are not delivering a return Come up with ways to improve activities that are showing a degree of success Continue with activities that are working well See the gaps! What haven’t you tried that could make a difference in 2019? Did you achieve the marketing results you were hoping for? This

Taking the pain out of writing blogs

By |2020-03-26T13:03:07+00:00March 24th, 2017|Categories: Marketing Tips|Tags: |

It doesn’t seem fair, does it? You’ve put blood, sweat and tears into writing the content for your website and getting it just right. Finally, after months of hard work you breath a sigh of relief as your website goes live. Thank goodness you don’t have to go through that again! Content is king But, now you keep hearing that content is king and you must write something new for your website on a regular basis. Yes, at least every month! "What a pain", I hear you say! I want to help you go from... "Aghh! Do I really have to

Email subject lines that grab attention

By |2020-08-10T10:41:35+00:00January 25th, 2017|Categories: Marketing Tips|Tags: |

My inspiration for writing this marketing tip has come from recent work I've been doing with Alastair Badman of Bespoke Business Software; which is creating a campaign using email marketing to connect with potential clients. Crafting an impactful email Having identified their target market (an exercise we did when re-writing the copy for their website) I crafted a short email that followed a three step format: Empathised with the recipients’ current business issue (too much time on administration, double entering data and collating reports) Painted a picture of how their life would be better once this problem had been resolved (control and

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