What makes great content?

By |2014-05-12T07:33:12+00:00May 12th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Content marketing You may have heard the expression ‘content is king’ banded about recently or the emergence of ‘content marketing’. This is because Google is rewarding higher page rankings to websites with good, regular, new content. The basic website marketing still applies, but any Search Engine Optimisation specialist worth their salt should be talking to you about content. An effective way to ensure that your website is continually evolving with good quality content is to add regular articles. This is often seen on the main menu as a tab called ‘News’, ‘Blog’ or perhaps more specific to the website such

Creating a lead magnet

By |2014-02-24T17:40:50+00:00February 24th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

How attractive is your website? I’m not referring to the colours, images and lay out. I want to know if your website is grabbing visitors’ attention and compelling them to take some kind of action. Generally, we like to do a bit of research and find out a bit more about people before we decide to actually pick up the phone and start asking questions. A great way to bridge the gap between a visit to your website and having that first conversation is some kind of document or interaction that the visitor can receive in exchange for their email

Marketing Power of 3

By |2013-10-28T15:32:10+00:00October 28th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Combine 3 marketing activities for increased effect If you belong to a networking group that offers the opportunity to give short presentations – grab it! Presenting to your network is a great way to raise your profile and stand out from the crowd. It gives you the ability to demonstrate your knowledge and experience and helps people to get to know, like and trust you; all essential steps along the way to gaining referrals and customers. 4Networking gives you such an opportunity and I've recently been presenting, ‘The Marketing Power of 3’ to several of the groups. ‘The Marketing Power

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