Many Business Owners are feeling wobbly right now. I’m hearing comments like:

“It doesn’t feel right to promote my business at the moment.”

It’s understandable why people feel like this.

We’re sensitive to other’s feelings and appreciate the difficulties many are currently experiencing. So, pushing what you do and asking for the order doesn’t feel right.

And at the best of times, singing from the treetops about how brilliant our products and services are makes us Brits squirm!

So, no wonder there are people retreating from marketing their businesses and telling themselves they’ll wait until things get better.

Apart from the obvious damage to your business, there’s a big problem with this.

Your customers still need you.

You care about your customers, otherwise you wouldn’t be in business.

Remember this:

  • You’ve spent a long time getting to really understand their problems inside out
  •  You’ve thought carefully about their situations and created products and services to move them to a happier, better place
  • You want to see your customers succeed, flourish and grow, because you care.

It’s for the customers you’ve yet to gain and the ones you’ve already helped that you must show up consistently, sharing your knowledge, seeking to add value.

Because you care, it’s okay to put yourself out there to ask and understand what’s happening to in their world right now.

Ask them, “How are you feeling?” “What are your challenges?” “How can I help?”

Here’s the best bit!

When you stay on their radar providing helpful advice and valuable insight you are actually promoting your business, but it’s happening in a way that feels comfortable and fulfilling to you.

Even if you can’t deliver your service right now, by continuing to show up with helpful hints and tips, you are growing your audience. When you can take bookings again you will be remembered as the one who was there for them during a crisis.

Your customers need to hear from you more than ever right now. Not showing up is doing them a disservice.

I don’t agree that it’s inappropriate or impossible to promote your business right now. It’s just the way you feel about your marketing that needs to change.

Michael Hyatt’s quote sums this up nicely, “Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.”

And Tom Fishburne’s quote too.“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.”

Please don’t hide! Create and share great content and engage in conversations.

I’ve helped several business owners get their marketing mojo back over the last few weeks.

If you’d like to book a marketing coaching session and work out a plan that’s right for you, please get in touch or give me a call on 07565 382803 .

Please don’t hide!